Located in the drought-prone Marathwada region of Maharashtra, Pimparkhed Budruk village in the Ghansawangi taluka of Jalna district with 7000 residents had been facing problems of storage of drinking water and water for agricultural use.
To improve this condition, in 2017–18, CybageAsha along with the village residents, de-silted rivers and streams covering an area of around 1 km. Also, this year CybageAsha has helped the villagers construct a low budget cement Nala Bandhara (CNB).
The CNB was approved and acknowledged by the District Collector. This model has been announced as a standard and ideal model to replicate in other villages of the district.
CNB helps water storage capacity and the underground water level. This helps the wells and bore wells to remain filled. The de-silting project has helped more than 300-350 acres of agricultural land. With the successful implementation of this project, villagers will not face drinking water issues in the future.