Cybage has once again played its part in fighting poverty, this time the organisation distributed grocery kits to daily wage labourers in six villages of Ghansawangi block of Jalna district. The activity was conducted on 25th April 2020 in the presence of the local authorities. A total of 600 grocery kits were distributed among the labourers.
Keeping in mind the threat of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the representatives made sure that proper social distancing is followed while distributing the grocery kits to poor workers and their families. Moreover, they also explained the importance of wearing masks, washing hands, and observing social distancing to the local villagers and labourers.
All the beneficiaries expressed their gratitude after receiving grocery kits. Most of the beneficiaries are daily wage earners, so it’s hard for them to survive in such a critical situation. Earlier, the president (Sabhapati) of the local panchayat committee has raised a request to help these migrant labourers and CybageAsha obliged.